Yesterday, I was able to snap a few more photos of the lovely finds I scored at this past weekend's Vintage Bazaar held in Chicago's Pilsen Arts District.
I was especially pleased with my fabric finds this time around, as I was able to get some new wardrobe wonders for a steal!
Pictured below, I purchased lime green sequined bloomers solely so I could base my next burlesque act on them! My hope is to be squeezing limes in these bad boys sooner than later...
And next up, was this super adorable 1970s mini sailor-ette swing dress I bought from pop up dealer, Bummertwon Vintage. Loveeeeee this! (And it fits like a gem!)
After that, at the end of the event, I scoured Milwaukee's Pineapple Mint Vintage's racks and came across this amazing late 50s, early 60s two piece sailor skirt suit. The jacket is ideal and the skirt fits perfectly on my tush, yay!
Here's a back side view of the jacket:
(This set still needs a good steaming)
There are still some more goodies to share, with more pictures to come. I came across a heaping pile of decorative border trim and supplies, perfect for motivating me to revamp and create some new insane costumes for this summer's burlesque adventures. And perhaps I can even turn out my own garter for my wedding, which is just 18 short days away by the by! But more on that later....